


9 Phases of the Becoming Moon







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The Moment of “I am”.

This is a time of momentous spiritual alignment within an earthly body;

 the embodiment of hope, ability and choice.

Naming 1

class now forming to begin Moon 1, 2006

This is also a difficult time for parents and teachers of those about to be named, it is a time of for us to release, a time for us to allow our children to over come the restrictions of our beliefs and  to allow theirs to be free flowing.  It is a time of teaching responsibility and participation, while honoring the beginning of their solitary practice.

 Becoming supports this moment of independence, by offering membership to the community to the newly named. It is at this point when family membership is no longer a prerequisite to a youth’s participation in our spiritual practice. If they choose and their parents choose, youths can now participate in initiate level classes. Information on classes will be provided as we complete development.

 For everyone the first step into imagining what is possible is a glorious horizon, full of potential, which is honored by including the named in decision making, responsibility, and participation. Parents and teachers guide by being a mentors and friends and sharing the journey rather than fully directing it.

In my experience it is not the youths who have trouble with embodiment and, allowing that flow of energy; so much as it is the parents and teachers who have trouble redirecting the vast body energy focused on their own dreams for their child, back to focus on dreams for themselves. 

(See Ripening for more on this.)





Spirit Unity Ministry, Ameya Spirit.
Copyright © 2001 by [Spirit Unity Ministry]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 05/27/08 13:58:25 -0700.

copyright: spirit unity ministry and ameya spirit all rights reserved, no reprints without permission of the owner.

some graphics courtesy of Abby Willowroot and the Goddess 2000 Project www.goddess2000.org