









Staff Bios    

Guest Book


About us 


  Membership to Spirit Unity Ministry is free, in that we charge no membership fee.


We are a spiritual community, supported by the gifts of spirit and our members.

We ask that those who are able,

contribute to the feast after our rituals

 and that members support the work the community decides to  take on.


Workshops, Classes, and some of our other events incur production expenses

for these events we will ask for donations from the community members and participants

 to cover these costs.

Scholarship to these events, or barter maybe possible,

money is no obstacle to your spiritual expression here.


If we as a community form the intent that the abundance we desire is making its way to us, it will be.


Your contributions of energy, participation, good will, and support

are used to fulfill the needs of the  communities work..

They are looked upon as gifts, and honored as such.

No Gift is ever Demanded .


Spirit Unity Ministry is a spiritual ministry, organized under the first amendment right to freedom of religion expression,

we are not a not -for- profit 501c3.

We will one day be a landed church,

in the meantime we share the space of several existing organizations

and fellowship at the invitation of good friends.

To join the mailing list for this community, please send an email with your name, email address and location to




Bill of Rights Amendment 1

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.



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Spirit Unity Ministry, Ameya Spirit.
Copyright © 2006  by [Spirit Unity Ministry]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 03/23/07 19:34:31 -0700.