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Independent Study Basic Spiritual Development1 |
Independent Study, Basic Spiritual Development 1 If you have questions during your study, contact: Course mentor Ameya Spirit
So you think you want to be a witch or pagan? By Ameya Spirit This independent study course was prepared in answer to the large number of people who contacted me, asking for guidance regarding how to explore or get started on a pagan path, either independently or with their own family or group of friends. Being a witch or pagan is like being an earthling, its something you are, more than something you do. It is a construct of belief. To create your path you need to know what it is you currently believe. You can choose to follow what other’s do, and have a great experience, or you can truly find your own faith, and walk your own path and have an amazing journey. The only really important thing is that your path bring you Joy, and Satisfaction. To complete the list it takes a full year, so read a lot while you are doing the tasks. Read what? Everything! If you look the right book will find you… be guided by your connection to your spirit source. You can start with the books on the Getting Started List found on the Bookshelf. Here are some practical things to do to start exploring the idea of embarking on a Pagan Path.
Get a good pen too… Write on the first page, your name, the date, and these words: Today I start the Journey Back to Me.
expensive, most calendars have at least the ¼ moons listed and to begin that is enough)
What is the phase of the moon? What do I feel? How do I feel? Who else is here? Do this once a week for at least a month. Trust your instincts.
4. Find 4 locations to visit, 1 that is very airy, 1 that is very warm and sunny, 1 that is every watery, and 1 that is earthy. Sit in each place for an hour. Say to yourself, I open myself to the lessons of this place. Then answer these questions: What is the phase of the moon? What do I feel? How do I feel? Who else is here? To expand this, choose one location at a time and visit it once a week for a month, then move to the next location. Compare your notes for each location.
breathe for 10 minutes. Say to yourself, I open myself to the lessons of my spirit. Then continue to sit but journal all your thoughts, even the ones that seem silly, write them all down. Then answer these questions: What is the phase of the moon? What do I feel? How do I feel? Who else is here? To expand this, choose one location at a time and visit it once a week for a month, then move to the next location. Compare your notes for each location.
yourself, I open myself to the lessons of the moon. Then answer these questions: What is the phase of the moon? What do I feel? How do I feel? Who else is here? To expand this, choose one location at a time and visit it once a week for a month, then move to the next location. Compare your notes for each location.
What is the phase of the moon? What do I feel? How do I feel? Who else is here? To expand this, choose one location at a time and visit it once a week for a month, then move to the next location. Compare your notes for each location.
When the date comes, Say to yourself, I open myself to the lessons of this day, spend an hour just sitting, and then answer these questions: What is the phase of the moon? What do I feel? How do I feel? Who else is here? To expand this, choose one location at a time and visit it once a week for a month, then move to the next location. Compare your notes for each location.
uncomfortable? What did you learn? What questions do you have? Which place was the most comfortable? Why? Write down your answers.
When you have completed all 10 tasks. ask yourself, What about these things made me feel good, better, joyful? Add those to your daily practice. Then ask, What about each of these tasks was difficult for me? Then ask yourself why? Then decide what you you would need to change to become comfortable. Make those changes and add them to your daily practice. Upon completion of this list, you have learned to establish deliberate intent, you have journeyed into Each of the elements, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit. You have communed with the Moon and Sun and their energy through the month and year. You have established what you feel about each of these concepts; you have formed the foundation of your own belief. Now it is a your choice to implement, change or continue studying a path.
Additional reading suggestions for this class: The books listed on the Basic Spiritual Development Bookshelf and: The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz (for a look your personal ethics) The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Milliman Journey of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Milliman The Laws of Spirit by Dan Milliman
I wish you much joy on your journey. Ameya Spirit, |
Spirit Unity Ministry, Ameya Spirit.
Copyright © 2006 by [Spirit Unity Ministry]. All rights reserved.
05/27/08 13:58:25 -0700.