Othala Grove Lending Library Listing.
Alphabetical by title
contact MyriahDragonThorne@spiritunityministry.com for lending information
1. 21st Century Wicca, Jennifer Hunter
2. 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley
3. A Bard’s Book of Pagan Songs, Hugin The Bard
4. A Book of Pagan Rituals, Herman Slater
5. A Grimoire of Shadows, Ed Fitch
6. A History of Pagan Europe, Prudence Jones & Nigel Pennick
7. A Practical Guide to Past Life Regression, Florence Wagner McCain
8. A Rosicrucian Notebook, Willy Schrodter
9. A Stranger In A Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein
10. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey
11. A Witches’ Bible, Janet and Stewart Farrar
12. Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Barbara Hand Clow
13. Alice In Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster, David Icke
14. American Indian Healing Arts, E. Barrie Kavasch and Karen Baar
15. An Enchanted Life, Patricia Telesco
16. An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life, The Dalai Lama
17. Anatomy of the Spirit, Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
18. Ancestors of Avalon, Diana L. Paxson
19. Ancient Eqypt, Joanne Fletcher
20. Ancient Mysteries, Peter James & Nick Thorpe
21. Ancient Ways: Reclaiming Pagan Traditions, Pauline Campanelli
22. Animal Magick, D.J. Conway
23. Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews
24. Apprentice to Power, Timothy Roderick
25. Aromatherapy, Viktor Blevi & Gretchen Sween
26. Astral Dynamics, Robert Bruce
27. Astral Projection for Beginners, Edain McCoy
28. Astrology Encyclopedia, James R. Lewis
29. Atlantis
30. Back to Basics, Reader’s Digest
31. Bag of Bones, Stephen King
32. Basic Chinese Vocabulary, Jerome Hu and Stephen Lee
33. Beekeeping, Richard E. Bonney
34. Beltane, Raven Grimassi
35. Bewitchments, Edain McCoy
36. Beyond The Lodge of The Sun, Chokecherry Gall Eagle
37. Black Elk Speaks, Nicholas Black Elk
38. Bloodline of The Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, Laurence Gardner
39. Bringers of The Dawn, Barbara Marciniak
40. By Oak, Ash, & Thorn, D.J. Conway
41. Candle Crafts, Paola Romanelli
42. Candlemas, Amber K & Azrael Arynn K
43. Candles; Making and Displaying, Gloria Nicol
44. Celtic Folklore Cooking, Joanne Asala
45. Celtic Magic, D.J. Conway
46. Celtic Myth and Magick, Edain McCoy
47. Chinese Natural Cures, Henry C. Lu
48. Christ The Lord: Out of Egypt, Anne Rice
49. Clan of The Goddess, CC Brondwin
50. Cloak of The Illuminati, William Henry
51. Comet of Nostradamus, R.W. Welch
52. Complete Book of Tarot Spreads, Evelin Burger & Johannes Fiebig
53. Crafts For The Spirit, Ronni Lundy
54. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic, Scott Cunningham
55. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham
56. Dancing In The Light, Shirley MacLaine
57. Dark Moon Mysteries, Timothy Roderick
58. Daybreak, Mary Summer Rain
59. Dictionary of Symbols, Jack Tresidder
60. Don’t Fall Off The Mountain, Shirley MacLaine
61. Doors To Other Worlds, Raymond Buckland
62. Dragonology, Dugald A. Steer
63. Drawing Down The Moon, Margot Adler
64. Dreams, Andy Baggott
66. Druid Priestess: An Intimate Journey Through The Pagan Year, Ema Restall Orr
67. Drumming The Spirit To Life, Russell Buddy Helm
68. Earth, Air, Fire & Water, Scott Cunningham
69. Earth: Pleiadian Keys to The Living Library, Barbara Marciniak
70. Earthway, Mary SummerRain
71. Easier Than You Think, Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
72. Ecstasy Through Tantra, DR. John Mumford
73. Edible Wild Plants, Elias & Dykeman
74. Elemental Power, Amber Wolfe
75. Encyclopedia of Gods, Michael Jordan
76. Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft, Raven Grimassi
77. Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art, Diane Stein
78. Essential Tibetan Buddhism, Robert A.F. Thurman
79. Exploring Spellcraft, Gerina Dunwich
80. Fairies & Elves, Time Life Books
81. Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Devin Starlanyl, M.D., Mary Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A.
82. Field Guide to North American Trees-Eastern Region, National Audubon Society
83. Fire In The Head, Tom Cowan
84. Four Paws Five Directions, Cheryl Schwartz, DVM
85. Freemasonry and Its Ancient Mystic Rites, CW Leadbeater
86. From Black Land to Fifth Sun, Brian Fagan
87. Galactic Alignment, John Major Jenkins
88. Geology: A Self-Teaching Guide, Barbara Murck
89. Goddess Initiation, Francesca DeGrandis
90. God-Man: Our Final Evolution, Mark Hamilton
91. Going Within: A Guide For Inner Transformation, Shirley MacLaine
92. Green Witchcraft II, Ann Moura
93. Grimoire For The Apprentice Wizard, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
94. Growing Love’s Garden & Living Truth Within, Robin Wiseman
95. Guided Meditations, Explorations, and Healings, Stephen Levine
96. Halloween, Silver Ravenwolf
97. Healing Herbs: The Essential Guide, H. Winter Griffith, M.D.
98. Healing Wise: The Wise Woman Herbal, Susan Weed
99. Healing With Gemstones and Crystals, Diane Stein
100. Heaven’s Mirror, Graham Hancock
101. Herbs, Lesley Bremness
102. How To Do Automatic Writing, Edain McCoy
103. How To Make Amulets, Charms and Talismans, Deborah Lippman and Paul Colin
104. How To Uncover Your Past Lives, Ted Andrews
105. In the Footsteps of Eve, Lee R. Berger
106. In The Shadow of The Shaman, Amber Wolfe
107. Introducing Anthropology, Merryl Wyn Davies and Piero
108. Italian Witchcraft, Raven Grimassi
109. Jung and the Alchemical Imagination, Jeffrey Raff
110. Kundalini and The Chakras, Genevieve Lewis Paulson
111. Lammas: Celebrating the Fruits of the First Harvest, Anna Franklin & Paul Mason
112. Lamp of the Goddess, Rae Beth
113. Ley Lines and Earth Energies, David Cowan & Chris Arnold
114. Light Tones: A Journey of Color, Music and Fractal Imagery (VHS Tape)
115. Liquid Light of Sex, Barbara Hand Clow
116. Living Wicca, Scott Cunningham
118. Llewellyn’s 2002 Magickal Almanac
119. Llewellyn’s 2003 Magical Almanac
120. Llewellyn’s 2003 Wicca Almanac
121. Llewellyn’s 2004 Magical Almanac
122. Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny
123. Love and Power, Lynn V. Andrews
124. Love Is In The Earth, Supplement A, Melody
125. Love Is In The Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals, Melody
126. Lucid Dreaming, Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. (w/CD)
127. Mabon: Celebrating The Autumn Equinox, Kristin Madden
128. Magi, Adrian Gilbert
129. Magic and Medicine of Plants, Reader’s Digest
130. Magical Passes, Carlos Castaneda
131. Magick of The Gods & Goddesses, D.J. Conway
132. Magickal Dance, Ted Andrews
133. Maiden, Mother, Crone, D.J. Conway
134. Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss, M.D.
136. Meditations for Transformation, Larry Moen
137. Mending The Past and Healing The Future with Soul Retrieval, Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
138. Menopausal Years, Susan Weed
139. Messages From The Masters, Brian Weiss, M.D.
140. MidSummer: Magical Celebrations of The Summer Solstice, Anna Franklin
141. Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation, Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner
142. Moon Magick, D.J. Conway
143. More Joy of Sex, Alex Comfort, MD, D.Sc.
144. More Simplified Magic, Ted Andrews
145. Music For Healing, Steve D’Annunzio
146. Mysteries of Templar Treasure and The Holy Grail, Lionel & Patricia Fanthorpe
147. Mysteries of the Unknown: Psychic Voyages, Time-Life Books
148. Mystic Medusa’s Soul Mating
149. Mythology of The American Nations, David M. Jones and Brian Molyneaux
150. Mythology: The Illustrated Anthology of World Myth and Storytelling, C. Scott Littleton
151. Nocturnal Witchcraft, Konstantinos
152. Numerology: The Complete Guide, Matthew Oliver Goodwin
153. Ordinary Magic: Everyday Life as Spiritual Path, John Welwood
154. Out On A Limb, Shirley MacLaine
155. Palmistry, Roz Levine
156. Past Lives, Future Choices, Maritha Pottenger
157. Past Worlds: Atlas of Archaeology, Time Books
158. Patient Heal Thyself, Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D., C.N.C.
159. Peterson Field Guide: Medicinal Plants and Herbs, Steven Foster and James A. Duke
160. Phantoms Afoot, Mary Summer Rain
161. Popol Vuh, Dennis Tedlock
162. Practical Atlantean Magic, Murry Hope
163. Practical Solitary Magic, Nancy B. Watson
164. Prophecies, Tony Allan
165. Prophecy, Sylvia Brown
166. Psychic Self-Defense, Dion Fortune
167. Reiki Healing, Carmen Fernandez
169. Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers, Stephen Harrod Buhner
170. Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss
171. Saint Germain on Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation, Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet
172. Sasha: Spirit Guardian, Steven J. Camp
173. Seasons of The Witch, Patricia Monaghan
175. Secrets of the Sacred White Buffalo, Gary Null, Ph.D.
176. Seven Masters, One Path, John Selby
177. Seven Stories of Christmas Love, Leo Buscaglia
178. Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality, Ken Wilber
179. Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy, Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger
180. Shadow Work: A New Guide to Spiritual and Psychological Growth, Dr. Michael Ruth
181. Shaman, Susan Seddon Boulet
182. Shamanic Experience, Kenneth Meadows
183. Shamanic Journeying, Sandra Ingerman (w/CD)
184. Shamanism – As a Spiritual Practice For Daily Life, Tom Cowan
185. Shamanism and Personal Mastery, Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D.
186. Shambala: The Sacred Path of The Warrior, Chogyam Trungpa
187. Silver’s Spells for Protection, Silver RavenWolf
188. Simplified Magic, Ted Andrews
189. Sisters of The Dark Moon, Gail Wood
190. Skywatching, David H. Levy
191. Soul Retrieval, Sandra Ingerman
192. Sourcebook of the World’s Religions: An Interfaith Guide to Religion and Spirituality,
193. Spiritual Mentoring, Judy Harrow
194. Spiritwalker, Hank Wesselman
195. Star Ancestors, Nancy Red Star
196. Stonehenge: A closer look, Bonnie Gaunt
197. Stores of The Spirit, Stories of The Heart, Christina Feldman & Jack Kornfield
198. Tantra Unveiled, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D.
199. Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu
200. Teachings Around The Sacred Wheel, Lynn V. Andrews
201. Teachings For A New World, Steven D’Annunzio and Jeff Locker
202. Ten Stupid Things Couples Do To Mess Up Their Relationships, Dr. Laura Schlessinger
203. Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives, Dr. Laura Schlessinger
204. The 13 Original Clan Mothers, Jamie Sams
205. The 21 Lessons of Merlyn, Douglas Monroe
206. The Ancient Wisdom, Annie Besant
207. The Art of Sensual Loving, Dr. Andrew Stanway
208. The Atlantis Enigma, Herbie Brennan
209. The Atlas of Legendary Places, James Harpur & Jennifer Westwood
210. The Bhagavad-Gita, Barbara Stoler Miller
211. The Blue Day Journal, Bradley Trevor Greive
212. The Book of Druidry, Ross Nichols
213. The Book of Secrets, Deepak Chopra
214. The Book of The Unicorn, Nigel Suckling
215. The Brotherhood of The Magi, Jessie E. Ayani
216. The Camino, Shirley MacLaine
217. The Candle Magick Workbook, Kala & Ketz Pajeon
218. The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield
219. The Celestine Vision, James Redfield
220. The Celtic Realms, Myles Dillon & Nora Chadwick
221. The Celts, Juliette Wood
222. The Cherokee Sacred Calendar, Raven Hail
223. The Chinese Astrology Handbook, Richard Craze
224. The Coming Global Superstorm, Art Bell and Whitley Strieber
225. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews, Scott Cunningham
226. The Complete Book of Psychic Arts, Morwyn
227. The Complete Guide to Herbal Medicines, Charles W. Fetrow, Pharm.D., and Juan R. Avila, Pharm.D.
228. The Complete Guide to Natural Healing
229. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft, Denise Zimmerman and Katherine A. Gleason
230. The Cosmic Serpent, Jeremy Narby
231. The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall
232. The Disappearance of The Universe, Gary R. Renard
233. The Druid Sourcebook, John Matthews
234. The Earth Path, Starhawk
235. The Encyclopedia of Magic & Witchcraft, Susan Greenwood
236. The Encyclopedia of Sacred Sexuality, Rufus C. Camphausen
237. The Essential Kabbalah; The Heart of Jewish Mysticism, Daniel C. Matt
238. The Essential Koran, Thomas Cleary
239. The Essential Mystics, Andrew Harvey
240. The Essential Rumi, Coleman Barks
241. The Essential Tao, Thomas Cleary
242. The Everything Astrology Book, Trish MacGregor
243. The Everything Astronomy Book, Dr. Cynthia Phillips and Shana Priwer
244. The Everything Candlemaking Book, MJ Abadie
245. The Fifth Sacred Thing, Starhawk
246. The Forest House, Marion Zimmer Bradley
247. The Forgotten Arts, Richard M. Bacon
248. The Foundations of High Magick, Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips
249. The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
250. The Foxfire Book, Elliott Wigginton
251. The Fragrant Art of Aromatherapy, Linda Doeser
252. The Goat Foot God, Dion Fortune
253. The Goddess Path
254. The Goddess: Power, Sexuality and The Feminine Divine, Shahrukh Husain
255. The Golden Dawn, Israel Regardie
256. The Gospel of Mary Magdelene, Jean-Yves Leloup
257. The Happiness MakeOver, MJ Ryan
258. The Hidden Truth of Your Name, The Nomenology Project
259. The History and Practice of Magic, Paul Christian
260. The History of Atlantis, Lewis Spence
261. The History of Witchcraft and Demonology, Montague Summers
262. The Holistic Herbal Directory, Penelope Ody
263. The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
264. The Horned God, Keith Morgan
265. The Illustrated Dream Dictionary, Russell Grant
266. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Well-Being, Dr. Julian Jessel-Kenyon
267. The Journey to The Sacred Garden, Hank Wesselman
268. The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy, Three Initiates
269. The Last Ghost Dance, Brooke Medicine Eagle
270. The Light Spark: A Journey Into The Heart, Robin Wiseman
271. The Lineage of The Codes of Light, Jessie E. Ayani
272. The Little Book of Scottish Clans, Alexander Fulton
273. The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes, Sirona Knight
274. The Little Guides: Herbs
275. The Lost History of Aztec 7 Maya, Charles Phillips
276. The Mabinogion, Everyman’s Library
277. The Mabinogion, Gwyn Jones & Thomas Jones
278. The Magic of Crystals and Gemstones, Topstones Ltd.
279. The Magick of Folk Wisdom, Patricia Telesco
280. The Magickal Pantheons, Chic Cicero
281. The Matrix and Philosophy, William Irwin
282. The Maya, Timothy Laughton
283. The Mayan Calendar and The Transformation of Consciousness, Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.
284. The Messianic Legacy, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln
285. The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley
286. The Mystery of The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
287. The Nature of Animal Healing, Martin Goldstein, DVM
288. The Orion Prophecy, Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx
289. The Pagan Mysteries of Halloween, Jean Markale
290. The Pleiadian Workbook, Quan Yin
291. The Power of Birthdays, Stars, and Numbers, Saffi Crawford and Geraldine Sullivan
292. The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
293. The Psychic Circle (game/divination board)
294. The Return of The Serpents of Wisdom, Mark Amaru Pinkham
295. The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways, Edain McCoy
296. The Sacred Yes, Bhagwan Shree Rayneesh
297. The Secret of Shambala, James Redfield
298. The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall
299. The Secrets of High Magic, Francis Melville
300. The Spiral Dance, Starhawk
301. The Summer Solstice, John Matthews
302. The Teachings of Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda
303. The Templar Revelation, Lynn Pickett & Clive Prince
304. The Training & Work of an Initiate, Dion Fortune
305. The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide, Douglas Adams
306. The Way of A Pilgrim, RM French
307. The Way of The Shaman, Michael Harner
308. The Wheel of The Year at Muin Mound Grove, ADF: A Cycle of Druid Rituals, Rev. Robert Lee (Skip) Ellison (w/CD)
309. The Wiccan Mysteries, Raven Grimassi
310. The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas, John Matthews
311. The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-Paganism, Raymond Buckland
312. The Witch in Every Woman, Laurie Cabot
313. The Witches Almanac: Spring 2000 to Spring 2001
314. The Witches Almanac: Spring 2002 to Spring 2003
315. The Witches Almanac: Spring 2005 to Spring 2006
316. The Witches Datebook 2005, Llewellyn Publications
317. The Witches Qabala: The Pagan Path and the Tree of Life, Ellen Cannon Reed
318. The Wolf Almanac, Robert Busch
319. The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan & Teresa Patterson
320. Three Books of Occult Philosophy
321. Tibet, Michael Willis
322. To Ride a Silver Broomstick, Silver RavenWolf
323. Totem Magic, Yasmine Galenorn
324. Treasures of The Unicorn, Ted Andrews
325. Tree of Dreams, Lynn V. Andrews
326. Turbulent Mirror: An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and The Science of Wholeness, John Briggs & F. David Peat
327. Twin Souls: Finding Your Spiritual Partner, Patricia Joudry & Maurie D. Pressman, MD
328. Uriel’s Machine, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
329. Vibrational Medicine, Richard Gerber, MD
330. Weeds of the Northern US and Canada, France Royer and Richard Dickinson
331. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, Anodea Judith, Ph.D.
332. Wicca, A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner, Scott Cunningham
333. Wisdom of The Ages, Wayne W. Dyer
334. Witch Crafting: a spiritual guide to making magic, Phyllis Curott
335. Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth, Dorothy Morrison